Thursday, March 09, 2006

3rd Quarter, 4th Light, 5th Dud

Well, the break is over, and Jarrod and I are back to the books.
He, of course, has a full day everyday between the demanding schedule of a music major as well as two jobs.

I am taking what I think will be some good but challenging courses this go around:

Creative Writing (with quite a hilarious teacher and plenty of assignments to keep me writing)
American Poetry (books bigger than my head!)
Sociology of Grief and Loss (fascinating while somewhat somber)
History of Geology (a GER I need)

Perhaps needless to say, I will be writing and reading a great deal.

In order to help us start the quarter off on the right foot, our living arrangment fell apart on the first day of class. All four pilot lights in the house went off mysteriously. So far the hot water heater is the only thing that refuses to be lit. It needs to be put out of its misery anyway. Pray we'll fix it soon. Both of us are happier with hot showers and well washed dishes. We also have new neigbors now. How nice... they're psychos! There's definitely an illegal smell coming through from their place. We'll see how long it takes for us to call the cops. And lastly, my fifth cell phone I received this week turned out to be my fifth dud. Since Jarrod and I share a car, we never know if we'll be able to contact each other or not for rides, depending on how my cell phone feels that day. In spite of all this, we are happy and I have had quite a laugh at the irony of it all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!!! Yeah, you can see how quick I was at calling you back.... Anyways, I'm glad you're taking a writing class this quarter. I'm not and it's driving me CRAZY!! Glad to hear you're getting plenty of possible story material (illegal substances, psycho neighbors, lights going out, sounds like the makings of a great horror flick). Talk to you later!! Luv yas!!!

Sarah said...

Ha ha! That's a great way to look at it!


Sarah... Hope you are doing okay. Ted is looking forward to seeing you. I have a birthday party for 10 to 15 nine year olds @ the Boutique... Wish you were here! Look forward to seeing you guys sometime... suzi AKA suzan