Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Baby Birthday?

The plan is to induce labor tomorrow morning (Wednesday) starting at 4 a.m. No, please don't come up to see us before lunch. It's going to be a long day, and I don't want to entertain you while I'm in pain or drugged. It's not you, it's me. Plus, Jarrod will inform people when baby has arrived. Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

Hey, good luck with all. I was induced with both of ours. They both got started around 6am. With Stephen I was 10/complete by lunchtime. Took a rest for him to come down some and he was born around 2:30. Not too bad. Epidural had worn off enough to push.
Now Lexie was a different story. She went really fast. I think she was born by 10:30 or 11ish after. The epidural hadn't even had enough time to wear off. I was still completely numb when they moved me to a recovery room.
But both experiences were awesome. Right after delivering Stephen I looked at Brad and said, "That wasn't that bad. I could do that again."
Guess I meant it since now we are on #3!
Anyways, not like you needed another birth story or anything. Just wanted to encourage you. God's blessings on y'all and your baby!

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions to the new mommy and daddy! I found the pictures of him on his blog, he's adorable. I wish you guys much peace and rest in the coming days!

~Jill Matarazzi