Sunday, January 21, 2007

Andrew Update

Andrew remains stable in ICU these last few days. He is still unable to fully "wake up" perhaps because he is on so many powerful medications. This week's plan is to move him from ICU to a special floor of the hospital where staff are more specifically trained in waking a patient up from a coma. Hopefully, this more specialized atmosphere of stimulation will help his mental recovery more as his body continues to heal. Due to some slight anemia, he received a blood transfusion today which helped relieve his fever.
As today is Andrew's 24th birthday, any birthday thoughts or wishes you'd like to send I'd be glad to print and put on his wall for him.
Again, thank you for your continued prayers and encouraging words.

1 comment:

Rashell said...

Feel free to call anytime. We are all praying. My mom put Andrew on her church's prayer list. Hope that's okay.