Thursday, November 08, 2007

Blast that 6 month photo!

Well, I've been trying for 2 weeks to get Arthur's 6 month picture taken. Yesterday I had an actual appointment. I readied myself early, fed the baby, dressed the baby and packed emergency bibs and an extra outfit in case he spit up during the shoot. We were in the car strapped and ready when all that came from the engine was a sad little "cough sputter click." #$%* I had to sit out in the cold late last night while the psycho neighbor smoked a cigarette as he hovered over the dead battery. We had to borrow his jumper cables or I would have avoided the whole safety hazard plus lecture on the ways of the alternator and the miracle honda that drove his girlfriend six miles without the alternator belt which they found flat in his driveway after he pushed the car home. Right.
I don't care if he's seven months old by the time I get there, Arthur's gonna have a 6 month picture dadgumit! I've tried too hard to give up now. Maybe this afternoon?

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