Sunday, February 24, 2008

Arthur's First Communion

Our church recently changed to a different denomination, one which allows children to have communion as soon as they are able. While I have believed for some time that this was the way to go, I didn't realize how touching it would be to me when Arthur actually took communion. He was sitting in Jarrod's lap in church today when Jarrod gave him a bite of the bread. Arthur looked quite pleased with himself and munched happily away. I didn't cry, but well... I almost did. On my other side, my nephew Samson had his first little cup of wine all to himself. What a picture of God's acceptance of children as a part of His covenant family, even so young.
Anyways, I love to think that Arthur will be taking communion with the rest of the Body of Christ. He will be excited like the other children when the bread and wine is passed around. Such childlike anticipation is a great reminder to me of what a big moment communion is every time. It also makes me smile to think he will truly feel included as a little Christian even from his earliest memories of church.

1 comment:

Rashell said...

Ahh, yay!